Whenever a major release in the underlying core packages is required. You must update your /src
folder. This is a rare occasion but could happen f.e. if the underlying framework (laravel) has a major update.
In this guide we assume Docker installs only. These are the only one supported anyway. Usually the /src
folder contains not much of value, except for the installed packages and logs. Volumnes, Databases etc are always mounted and save from loss except if the volumne of your host ist damaged. After the upgrade you must install your packages again.
Update to v4.x
This is a major update. The underlying seatplus/web package has been updated to v4.0.0.
(untested yet)
On your host:
navigate to the /src directory:
cd /src
edit composer.json to require the latest version of seatplus/web:
"require": {
"seatplus/web": "^4.0",
navigate back to the root directory:
cd ..
update the app using docker
docker-compose exec php composer update --no-dev
restart your node to build new web assets:
docker-compose restart node
now seatplus should be up and running again.
(optionally) Enter Shell for package installation:
docker-compose exec bash
Update to v3.x
(untested yet)
On your host:
take your app down:
docker-compose down
backup your /src
mv /src /backup_src
download the latest core package:
docker-compose run --rm php composer create-project seatplus/core . --prefer-dist --no-dev --no-ansi
change file ownership:
change the user:group to whatever you have used originally.
chown -R 1000:1000 src
Start the app again:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
docker-compose exec php php artisan migrate
(optionally) Enter Shell for package installation:
docker-compose exec bash